Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Airsoft Guns - How to Choose Airsoft Guns

Need Help Buying Your First Airsoft Gun?

For new players, airsoft guns all seem similar, and they end up choosing the cheapest gun, which often isn't high quality. Getting your first airsoft guns can be a hard choice, but the following steps will help you choose an airsoft gun.

Points to Consider Before Purchasing Airsoft Guns

1. Establish your price limit. The cost of an average spring pistol ranges from about $10-$40. This price varies greatly though depending on the type of gun and firing mechanism you want to have though.

2. Examine your playing style or how you would like to be in airsoft. Decide what type of gun you want and what needs and specifications you would like it to have. There is a large plethora of weapons available and so you should put some time and consideration into what you want and might need for your style. Prepare to do some diligent research in order to get the best value for your money.

3. Choose the type of gun you want.
When you want to purchase an gun you need to have done your research on the different types. There are three different types of guns namely; spring airsoft guns, electric, and gas-powered guns.

Spring guns use a spring mechanism to fire the BB. Gas guns use gas, which are sold in cans, and are inserted in the back of the airsoft gun. Some people say gas powered guns are more accurate. The are also heavier than most other types of guns. The electric gun is powered by batteries. These usually require four triple A batteries, and it's recommended to get rechargeable ones since they don't last a long time. Electric guns also have a spring mechanism, but you don't have to manually cock the slider each time you shoot. This allows your gun to be fully automatic.

4. It's also a good idea to first get a feel for what kind of guns you like the most. Try to get an opportunity to shoot various guns and get an idea of the differences.

5. You can also ask your friends or teammates their opinions on different guns. See if they'll show you their collections and ask for their advice.

6. Sales people at your local airsoft store should also be happy to help you choose a good gun. Go visit around to some stores and ask for help there. If you don't have any stores nearby you can ask online stores or post your questions on an airsoft forum.

After you have a gun you need to get some equipment and accessories. You should start building your "loadout" with an airsoft vest. Let us help you find the right airsoft vest and equipment for you! Just sign up for our completely FREE program and we'll get you hooked up! You've got airsoft guns, now get the gear.

Learn more about choosing airsoft guns. We can also help you find the right airsoft vest! SIGN UP for our FREE airsoft and military gear updates. You'll get valuable information on new products and special offers sent right to you!

How to Choose an Airsoft Gun

In choosing an airsoft gun, things like accuracy, range, clip size, reliability, and the type of gun that it is need to be considered along with the cost of the gun. With airsoft guns, you get what you pay for and a cheaper gun will not be as good as a more expensive one. However, beyond cost, there are a few things that must be considered in choosing a good airsoft gun.

First, there is the type of gun. Spring-loaded guns are powerful and not very expensive. The problem with spring pistols and rifles is that they take much longer to re-cock than Automatic Electric Guns (AEGs) or gas blowback guns. Spring-loaded pistols and rifles can are perfectly fine for target practice or casual shooting. However, if you want to play with others, AEGs and gas guns are the way to go because of their higher firing power. Pistols are easy to carry but they don't hold as much ammo and accuracy is not as great as rifles. There are also in-betweens, such as pistols that hold a lot of ammo and shoot very quickly or slow-firing but highly accurate rifles. All this should be chosen based on personal playing style.

This leads to the next point: the rounds per minute (rpm) that the gun can fire. The range of rpm rates that airsoft guns have goes from 100 to 6000 rounds per minute and you should pick a gun that suits your needs. A gun that fires over 1000 rounds per minute is much more likely to waste ammo and slow you down by forcing you to spend a lot of time reloading- unless you are very careful about when you fire. Another thing is that the clip sizes of pistols are much smaller so a lower rpm is fine, especially if you intend on having other, faster guns with larger clips. The clip size is important, as is the number of clips that you have for the gun because in a fast-paced game, speed is key.

The feet per second (fps) that the gun fires at is another important factor. The higher the FPS, the more powerful the gun is and more powerful guns have greater range. A lot of times, AEGs will fire at a lower fps than gas and spring-loaded guns because the motor may not be as powerful. Still, for higher prices, more powerful AEGs can be purchased to compensate for this.

Upkeep and functionality are also important. There are certain aspects to this that must be considered-for example, gas guns require extra gas cylinders which comes at an extra cost. Gas guns also don't work as well in cold climates. AEG batteries need to be replaced before they die completely because replacing a battery during a game is completely impractical. Based on how well the gun has been made, the tendency for it to jam will be affected. This is another aspect that cost plays a role in. Finally the gun will last longer if it was built solid and was made of durable materials, which is definitely something to look for if you don't want to have to replace your investment.

If you are even a little bit serious about airsoft gun, then you should see the Desert Eagle Airsoft Gun, people call it the best airsoft gun ever created.

Desert Eagle is one of the most manufactured airsoft gun in history, check out where to get Desert Eagle airsoft guns here.

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